The Boolean Method
This could be a round hole, a square hole or any-shaped hole
Create a cylinder with
Press to change to top ortho view.
Now, to make a hole through it, all we need to do is to make another cylinder, slightly longer than the depth – let’s say 3M in depth. That means it will stick out 0.5M above and below the first cylinder. Let’s make its radius 0.5M
Create the second cylinder with . It will be located with its origin precisely at the same position as the first cylinder’s origin because the cursor is there. This doesn’t have to be a cylinder; it could be a cube or another available shape.
Now we want to select the cylinder that we want a hole drilled through.
Next we add a boolean modifier to it by selecting the modifier properties tab in the properties editor:
The name of the second cylinder (the object you clicked) appears in the Object field, but nothing appears to happen.
Select the outer cylinder and click the drop-down arrow in the boolean modifier panel:
But there is still no change to the cylinders????? Not true. You just can’t see the change:
- Enable the addon Add Mesh: Extra Objects in File–> Preferences to access more shapes when using Add Mesh command
- If you want to drill a perfectly round hole through your cylinder, there’s a quicker way. Click here to read Part 2
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