
I'm a retired Photographer, CAD instructor and Computer hardware dealer. A few years ago I woke up and decided to do what I always wanted to do - namely 3D technical hard-surface illustration. I am particularly interested in focusing on Cut-away illustrations and high-detail creations.

Loop Cuts

What is a Loop Cut in Blender for ?

A Loop Cut is defined as splitting a loop of adjacent faces down the middle. And if that doesn’t make sense, let me demonstrate with our trusty cube. I have selected a closed-loop of faces – the left, top, right and bottom faces. The face at the back and the one nearest us are not selected. The other four that are selected are adjacent (share an edge) to one another and form a loop.

Extrude Faces, Edges and Vertices

Extrude in Blender

The Extrude tool in Blender is a simple, often-used tool that extends the geometry length by adding extra geometry instead of changing the size. Extrude works in Edit mode with Faces, Edges and Vertices, but it works slightly differently for each.

Featured Images

Clean up Blender with Merge Vertices

As you model your objects, a common fault often creeps in – more than one vertex on top of each other. This happens in various situations but most commonly when an extrude, or scale operation is abandoned. Vertices on top of each other are invisible, yet they can play havoc with model shading.

Create Bolt Parametrically

Create a Bolt in Blender

A bolt including its thread is quite a complex modelling operation to do manually. However, since a machine easily manufactures it, you can create a bolt in Blender that can be easily generated parametrically.

What is a Blender Weighted Normal ?

Every flat surface has a normal that points outwards at 90 degrees to the face. Every bevel has its own normal for each face segment. When smoothing is applied, Blender tries to average out the adjacent normals to provide the illusion of a smooth curve. The problem with this is that a large flat face next to a small thin bevel will be influenced excessively by the bevel’s normal…